Have you ever experiencing the feeling of fall in love for a pair of shoes but the heel height is not the one you want? With SKYPRO flight attendants does not have this problem. Meet our new range of woman crew shoes!
SKYPRO presents your three new airline shoes models that will meet all the specifications that you need in your cabin shoes!
Mary Myers II
Mary II is the best flight attendant shoe. It’s an airport-friendly shoe with a 7.5 cm heel that will bring your uniform the extra shine they need. Super comfortable and made with high quality leathers. You will love it for sure!
Wally II
This model, with a heel a little bit smaller than Mary Myers is a perfect court shoe for cabin crew member. Comfortable and with a perfect weight distribution is a must have!
Jackie II
For those who like heels but not too high, this model is absolutely perfect. Absolutely elegant and extremely comfortable. Who can resist?
Different heights, similar shape, same level of comfort. Choose yours now!