As children, we’re often told it’s what’s on the inside that counts. But while that maxim might hold true for people, it’s certainly not true for shoes! While many people believe that the more padding a shoe has the more comfortable it will be, a shoe’s comfort and durability is more dependent on the shoe’s overall construction, such as heel width, instep height and the materials used.
While high-quality, natural materials such as leather cost more than shoes made with synthetic materials, selecting shoes with a leather upper and leather lining is about more than an investment in fashion and style – it’s an investment in your comfort and health. Here are seven reasons why you should forego synthetic materials and choose leather cabin crew shoes.
1 · Breathability
Leather naturally allows air to pass through your shoes and circulate around your feet, which keeps the temperature of your feet more regulated and prevents your feet and shoes from getting sweaty and smelly.
2 · Durability
Genuine leather shoes can stand the rigors of a tough work environment and will outlast most synthetic fibers. This means that even though a pair of leather cabin crew shoes might be pricier on the front end, you’ll save money in the long run because they’ll last much longer than synthetic ones. And while synthetic shoes tend to break down over time, leather only gets softer and more supple the longer you wear them. Just like wine – leather shoes only get better with age!
3 · Better Fit
While synthetic materials force your feet to mold to them, leather shoes will mold to the shape of your foot. This means your leather SKYPRO shoes will feel like they’re custom-made for your feet and cause less pain, pressure, blisters and other injuries that can lead to serious life-long foot and back problems.
4 · Cleanliness
Compared to many synthetic materials, leather is water resistant and easy to clean with a damp cloth. This is especially handy for cabin crew, as our shoes are constantly subjected to spills. Nobody wants to walk around with sticky Coke on your shoes all flight!
5 · Eco-friendly
Unlike synthetic materials, leather is natural and requires no harmful dyes or chemicals to be used in the manufacturing process making it better for the environment.
6 · Safe for Sensitive Skin
As leather is a natural material, it’s generally safe for all skin types. SKYPRO’s leathers are tested at independent laboratories to ensure they are free from substances that can impact your health, such as chromium, formaldehyde, chlorophenols, and other heavy metals.
7 · Extra protection
Leather is naturally protective and the thick, durable material acts like a shield for your feet, protecting them from small falling objects and hot liquids – like the coffee that seems to always end up all over the floor.
Have questions about the leather we use in our shoes or the award-winning way our shoes are constructed? Get in touch with us here!
Shannon Hill
Blogger @ Tramontanetravel
Flight Attendant, USA